Thursday, July 30, 2009

Glenda's First Actual Post to the Blog

Hi everyone....This is my first actual post to the blog. Not a LOT of new stuff really, but I wanted to try writing something myself.

The past 3 weeks have been fast & furious so I've run out of time to as personal with this message as I wanted. I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer -- as you can imagine, it's been a whirlwind ever since ! Everything happens for a reason and I think mine is to remind as many as possible that only about 80% of breast cancer is detected on mammograms or sonograms (I fall in that 20%). Although I faithfully do my annual doctor's visits, exams & screenings in addition to being told repeatedly that nothing had changed and I was fine, I just couldn't let it go -- I just knew, somehow.

We want to believe everything is okay, but all need to listen to our bodies and be our own advocate. I found this myself inspite of clear mammograms, sonograms & MRIs. The Pet scan (fortunately) confirmed my suspicions and I've already had my first chemo treatment this week.

Today is day two (after treatment) although I'm still fighting the residual migraine from the treatment, feeling very tired, & some joint aches from the "white cell booster shot" yesterday, I'm doing pretty nausea so far! What a plus! By next week I should be feeling more normal for a couple weeks until the next treatment (which will be every 3 weeks). It may knock me down for a few days each time, but hopefully not put me out of commission for long. I want to try as much as possible to maintain a sense of normalcy.

This has definitely slowed me down temporarily, and has given me a new focus -- I'm taking time to "regroup" and will do what I need to do to be healthy again. I'm prepared for the entire process to be completed and be "pieced back together" with the next 10-12 months ... I plan to work when I can and feel up to it; say "no" or ask for help when I need it, and have more time for ME. My new full-time job right now is to get well.....I plan to be 100% as soon as possible.

I would imagine that this will be the last post for a while, as I doubt anything of extreme importance will come up until maybe the next chemo treatment. We will let you all know.

As Mike & I have already said probably 2000 times already, everyone's positive comments, prayers and support has been wonderful and incredibly helpful to the cause. You all have our heartfelt, and lifelong thanks and appreciation.

Much Love to You All,



  1. Nice to hear your voice Glenda! You sound very Glenda like. I promise to take your advice. Thanks and Love, Laura

  2. Glenda! You are an inspiration. Thanks for being who you are!

  3. She's my hero...always has been. Never a moment when she wasn't inspiring. Love you mom!!!
    Lisa Marie

  4. Did my end-of-month monthly grope just this morning. Nadda, thank God!

    Stay positive.

    Hugs from the Cuz

  5. Glenda, as always, you are down to earth, intelligent and caring. Thank you for your words of wisdom and strength. We love you and would be honored to help and support-morning-noon-or night--please, just let me know...
    I will keep commenting on your blogs and keep praying for you.

  6. Just read your blog - you did it so well, I thought you were a pro! I can't top the comments that have been made except to say a great big ...DITTO to all that has been said. You are truly and inspiration and I am so thankful for our friendship.

  7. Glenda, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your grit, postive attitude and love of life are an inspiration to everyone who has had the joy of spending time with you. We are here for you! Love Wendy and Greg
